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  • SHOW CASE(demonstrative)

    Category for those who love to perform but dislike competing! A category with no rules or limitations! Participation is open to both amateurs and professionals. Take the stage at SHABASH and enchant everyone with your spectacular performance and experience our magical atmosphere firsthand!Assistants and props are allowed, provided they have been previously approved by the organizers.


    Category BEGINNERS is open to female pole dance students who have reached 18 years of age, have no background in sports (gymnastics, dance disciplines), and/or dance experience, and are not dance or fitness instructors of any kind(strip, heels, pole dance(art, sport, exotic, stretching, twerk, hip-hop and other dance) . They should not have won any awards in the categories of Amateurs, Semi-professional, or Professional, and should have a stage experience of up to 1 year. Combining exotic with elements of other dance styles or dancing in old school or flow style is allowed.
    Tricks filling (acrobat elements on the pole and floor, poses, and jumps) is at the participant's discretion, but it should NOT exceed 30% (from 0 to 30%) of the entire performance. The use of theatricality (having a specific character and plot) and the use of assistants and props in the act is PROHIBITED. Partial removal of clothing is allowed, provided it does not lead to complete nudity. The use of a chair is permitted if it is an integral part of the choreography.
    Please note that there is a list of prohibited elements in this category! You can familiarize yourself with it on our website!

    In the categories BEGINNERS and AMATEURS, there is a list of prohibited elements:🛑 Flag (all variations);🛑 Shouldermount (male grip);🛑 Iguana;🛑 Skyline (all variations);🛑 For amateurs flips from bridge position and flips from the height more then 1 meters с on knees, for beginners all flips are forbidden;🛑 Salto;🛑 Cartwheels;🛑 Marion's split;🛑 Bird of paradise(all variations);🛑 Inverted split (all variations);🛑 Machine gun split;🛑 Corkscrew split (and variations);🛑 Dragon's tail (all variations);🛑 Rainbow Marchenko(all variations);🛑 Pegasus (all variations);🛑 Bilmann (upside down and right side up);🛑 Eagle/ inside leg hang back split(all variations)🛑 Fullmoon;🛑 Dangerous bridge;🛑 Spatchcock;🛑 Butterfly extended twist.
    Penalties are imposed for performing these elements!


    Classic exotic with an emphasis on sensual presentation and choreography, which can be performed in old school or flow styles. Tricks filling (acrobat elements on the pole and floor, poses, and jumps) is at the participant's discretion, but it should NOT exceed 20% (from 0 to 20%) of the entire performance. The use of theatricality (having a specific character and plot) and the use of assistants and props in the act is PROHIBITED. Partial removal of clothing is allowed, provided it does not lead to complete nudity. The use of a chair is permitted if it is an integral part of the choreography.
    Category AMATEURS is open to female pole dance students who have reached 18 years of age, are not dance or fitness instructors of any kind(strip, heels, pole dance(art, sport, exotic, stretching, twerk, hip-hop and other dance) , and have stage experience of up to 2 years. Participants with a background in sports (gymnastics and dance disciplines) are allowed, provided they have only 1 year of pole dance experience and no professional sports or dance education.
    In the categories BEGINNERS and AMATEURS, there is a list of prohibited elements:🛑 Flag (all variations);🛑 Shouldermount (male grip);🛑 Iguana;🛑 Skyline (all variations);🛑 For amateurs flips from bridge position and flips from the height more then 1 meters с on knees, for beginners all flips are forbidden;🛑 Salto;🛑 Cartwheels;🛑 Marion's split;🛑 Bird of paradise(all variations);🛑 Inverted split (all variations);🛑 Machine gun split;🛑 Corkscrew split (and variations);🛑 Dragon's tail (all variations);🛑 Rainbow Marchenko(all variations);🛑 Pegasus (all variations);🛑 Bilmann (upside down and right side up);🛑 Eagle/ inside leg hang back split(all variations)🛑 Fullmoon;🛑 Dangerous bridge;🛑 Spatchcock;🛑 Butterfly extended twist.
    Penalties are imposed for performing these elements!


    Subcategory for those who seek dance experiments with different styles. Here, combinations of exotic with any other directions (hip-hop, krump, experimental strip, twerk, vogue, contemporary, modern, tribal, etc.) are appropriate. Tricks filling (acrobat elements on the pole and floor, poses, jumps) is at the participant's discretion, but it should NOT exceed 50% (from 0 to 50%) of the entire performance. The use of theatricality (having a specific character and plot) and the use of assistants in the act are PROHIBITED. Partial removal of clothing is allowed, provided it does not lead to complete nudity. The use of props is allowed, provided it has been agreed with the organizers and is an integral part of the choreography (chair, loop, special constructions, etc.).
    For the AMATEURS category, female pole dance students who have reached 18 years of age, are not dance or fitness instructors of any kind(strip, heels, pole dance(art, sport, exotic, stretching, twerk, hip-hop and other dance), and have a stage experience of up to 2 years can apply. Participants with a background in sports (gymnastics and dance disciplines) are allowed, provided they have no more than 1 year of pole dance experience and do not possess a relevant sports or choreographic education.
    In the categories BEGINNERS and AMATEURS, there is a list of prohibited elements:🛑 Flag (all variations);🛑 Shouldermount (male grip);🛑 Iguana;🛑 Skyline (all variations);🛑 For amateurs flips from bridge position and flips from the height more then 1 meters с on knees, for beginners all flips are forbidden;🛑 Salto;🛑 Cartwheels;🛑 Marion's split;🛑 Bird of paradise(all variations);🛑 Inverted split (all variations);🛑 Machine gun split;🛑 Corkscrew split (and variations);🛑 Dragon's tail (all variations);🛑 Rainbow Marchenko(all variations);🛑 Pegasus (all variations);🛑 Bilmann (upside down and right side up);🛑 Eagle/ inside leg hang back split(all variations)🛑 Fullmoon;🛑 Dangerous bridge;🛑 Spatchcock;🛑 Butterfly extended twist.
    Penalties are imposed for performing these elements!


    Category for those who love theatrical storytelling performances! Mandatory presence of character and plot. The use of any props is allowed, provided it has been agreed with the organizers and assistants, as long as they do not touch the pole. Tricks filling (acrobat elements on the pole and floor, poses, jumps) is at the participant's discretion, but it should NOT exceed 50% (from 0 to 50%) of the entire performance.
    For the AMATEURS category, female pole dance students who have reached 18 years of age, are not dance or fitness instructors of any kind(strip, heels, pole dance(art, sport, exotic, stretching, twerk, hip-hop and other dance) , and have a stage experience of up to 2 years can apply. Participants with a background in sports (gymnastics and dance disciplines) are allowed, provided they have no more than 1 year of pole dance experience and do not possess a relevant sports or choreographic education.
    In the categories BEGINNERS and AMATEURS, there is a list of prohibited elements:🛑 Flag (all variations);🛑 Shouldermount (male grip);🛑 Iguana;🛑 Skyline (all variations);🛑 For amateurs flips from bridge position and flips from the height more then 1 meters с on knees, for beginners all flips are forbidden;🛑 Salto;🛑 Cartwheels;🛑 Marion's split;🛑 Bird of paradise(all variations);🛑 Inverted split (all variations);🛑 Machine gun split;🛑 Corkscrew split (and variations);🛑 Dragon's tail (all variations);🛑 Rainbow Marchenko(all variations);🛑 Pegasus (all variations);🛑 Bilmann (upside down and right side up);🛑 Eagle/ inside leg hang back split(all variations)🛑 Fullmoon;🛑 Dangerous bridge;🛑 Spatchcock;🛑 Butterfly extended twist.
    Penalties are imposed for performing these elements!


    Classic exotic with an emphasis on sensual presentation and choreography, which can be performed in old school or flow styles. Tricks filling (acrobat elements on the pole and floor, poses, and jumps) is at the participant's discretion, but it should NOT exceed 20% (from 0 to 20%) of the entire performance. The use of theatricality (having a specific character and plot) and the use of assistants and props in the act is PROHIBITED. Partial removal of clothing is allowed, provided it does not lead to complete nudity. The use of a chair is permitted if it is an integral part of the choreography.
    In the PROFESSIONAL category, applications are accepted from participants who have reached 18 years of age and possess a high level of pole dance mastery, as well as have a background in sports and/or dance. They may have achieved awards in the categories of Amateurs, Professional, or have been or are currently dance or fitness instructors in any dance or fitness disciplines.


    Subcategory for those who seek dance experiments with various styles. Here, combinations of exotic with any other styles (hip-hop, krump, experimental strip, twerk, vogue, contemporary, modern, tribal, etc.) are appropriate. Tricks filling (acrobat elements on the pole and floor, poses, and jumps) is at the participant's discretion, but it should NOT exceed 50% (from 0 to 50%) of the entire performance. The use of theatricality (having a specific character and plot) and the use of assistants in the act are PROHIBITED. Partial removal of clothing is allowed, provided it does not lead to complete nudity. The use of props is permitted if it has been previously approved by the organizers and is an integral part of the choreography (e.g., chairs, loops, special constructions, etc.).
    Applications for the PROFESSIONAL category are open to participants who have reached 18 years of age and possess a high level of pole dance mastery, with a sports and/or dance background, and have achieved awards in the categories of Amateurs or Professional. They may also have been or are currently dance or fitness instructors in any dance or fitness disciplines.


    Category for those who love theatrical and narrative performances! The presence of a character and plot is mandatory. The use of any props is allowed, provided they have been previously approved by the organizers and assistants, as long as they do not touch the pole. Tricks filling (acrobat elements on the pole and floor, poses, and jumps) is at the participant's discretion, but it should NOT exceed 50% (from 0 to 50%) of the entire performance.
    Applications for the PROFESSIONAL category are open to participants who have reached 18 years of age and possess a high level of pole dance mastery, with a sports and/or dance background, and have achieved awards in the categories of Amateurs or Professional. They may also have been or are currently dance or fitness instructors in any dance or fitness disciplines.


    This category welcomes duets and groups to participate. Tricks filling (acrobat elements on the pole and floor, poses, and jumps) should NOT exceed 50% of the entire performance. The use of any props is allowed, provided they have been previously discussed and approved by the organizers.


    Applications to this category are open to participants who are multiple winners or prize-holders in the PROFESSIONAL category (with 5 or more participants), studio trainers or owners, workshop presenters. Tricks filling and theatricality (presence of a specific character and plot) are at the participant's discretion, but should not exceed 50% (from 0 to 50%) of the entire performance. The use of assistants during the performance is NOT ALLOWED. Participants are allowed to remove clothing elements as long as it does not lead to full nudity.
    The use of props is allowed, provided that they have been previously approved by the organizers and are directly incorporated into the choreography (e.g., chair, loop, special structures, etc.).


    This category is open to participants who are champions and prize winners in the Elite and Stars categories (with a minimum of 5 participants), workshop presenters, competition judges, representatives of recognized authorial styles, and those who have made a significant contribution to the development of exotic pole dance. The content of the performance and theatricality (presence of a specific character and plot) is at the participant's discretion. Partial removal of clothing is allowed, provided it does not lead to complete nudity. Participants are allowed to use assistants and props that have been previously approved by the organizers.
    In this category, the stage will be graced by exotic pole dance stars who have already received numerous awards and won the hearts of the audience. Therefore, in the Supreme category, there will be no standard ranking. Instead, participants will compete for the following nominations:✔️Best choreography;✔️Best technique;✔️Best tricks.


    Category for the boldest and most creative exotics.The battle will consist of 3 STAGES:● Showcase. All participants will dance to the same song. Before the performances, there will be an opportunity to listen to a snippet of the song to get in the mood. Each contestant will then present themselves through a 40-second improvisation. In this round, no one will be eliminated. It is designed to introduce the participants to the audience!● Improvisation. Standard battle rules will apply in this stage. Participants will compete in pairs, with each having 40 seconds to showcase their skills and abilities through improvisation to a random track.● Star task ⭐️. Battle finalists will have to improvise while performing creative tasks (e.g., dancing without going to the floor, using only waves, keeping their eyes closed, or any other challenge). Before the festival, we will share a special form where anyone interested can suggest their creative challenge for the battles. We will print and place all the suggestions in a special container, and participants will randomly draw the tasks.
    ❗️ The tasks can be absolutely anything that complies with SHABASH rules. Full spontaneity without boundaries or preconceptions! A participant can choose to opt-out of performing any task, acknowledging their technical defeat! Whatever happens during the battle stays at the battle!
    The winners of each round will be chosen by the audience through applause. At the end of all rounds, one ultimate winner will be selected!

Forbidden elements in the Beginners and Amateurs categories: