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THEME SHABASH EXOTIC FESTIVAL 2024 - CINEMALight...Camera...Action... 🎬 Our magical movie adventure begins. Let your imagination run wild and try on the image from your favorite movie, cartoon or series on the incredible SHABASH stage! 🎥

  • CINEMA Beginners/Amateurs

    The category of beginners/amateurs is applied by students of pole dance studios who are over 18 years old, are not instructors in any dance or fitness areas (strip, heels, pole dance(sport, exotic, art), stretching, twerk, hip-hop and others) and have stage experience of no more than 2 years. Participants with sports (gymnastic and dance types) and/or dance past are allowed, if their experience of pole dance classes no more than 1 year and they don’t have specialized sports or choreographic education.
    The final decision on the participant's belonging to a particular category remains with the organizers!
    It is mandatory to have an image in accordance with the theme of the festival! The use of any props that has been previously agreed with the organizers and assistants is allowed, provided that they do not touch the pole. Trick filling of the number (acrobatic elements on the pole and on the floor, stands, "jumps ") - at the discretion of the participant, but NOT MORE than 50% (from 0 to 50%). It is allowed to remove items of clothing, provided that this does not lead to complete nudity.
    It is not the responsibility of the organizers to provide the necessary details to the participants! Participants bring all the props with them on their own! Responsibility for the delivery of props to the festival venue, storage and its correct installation on the stage is entirely up to the participant and his assistants.

    In the categories BEGINNERS and AMATEURS, there is a list of prohibited elements:🛑 Flag (all variations);🛑 Shouldermount (male grip);🛑 Iguana;🛑 Skyline (all variations);🛑 Flips from bridge position and flips from the height more then 1 meters с on knees or feet;🛑 Salto;🛑 Cartwheels;🛑 Marion's split;🛑 Bird of paradise(all variations);🛑 Inverted split (all variations);🛑 Machine gun split;🛑 Corkscrew split (and variations);🛑 Dragon's tail (all variations);🛑 Rainbow Marchenko(all variations);🛑 Pegasus (all variations);🛑 Bilmann (upside down and right side up);🛑 Eagle/ inside leg hang back split(all variations)🛑 Fullmoon;🛑 Dangerous bridge;🛑 Spatchcock;🛑 Other elements not included in this list that require exceptional strength and flexibility and belong to the level of professional and above at the discretion of the judge from fines!
    Fines are provided for the implementation of these elements!

  • CINEMA Professional/Elite/Supreme

    The professional/elite/stars category is applied by participants who are over 18 years old, have a high level of possession of the pole, sports and/or dance past or/and have taken prizes in any categories, have been or are coaches in any dance or fitness areas, Mk presenters, representatives of their own style, etc.

    The final decision on the participant's belonging to a particular category remains with the organizers!

    It is mandatory to have an image in accordance with the theme of the festival! The use of any props that has been previously agreed with the organizers and assistants is allowed, provided that they do not touch the pole. Trick filling of the number (acrobatic elements on the pole and on the floor, stands, "jumps ") - at the discretion of the participant, but NOT MORE than 50% (from 0 to 50%). It is allowed to remove items of clothing, provided that this does not lead to complete nudity.

    It is not the responsibility of the organizers to provide the necessary details to the participants! Participants bring all the props with them on their own! Responsibility for the delivery of props to the festival venue, storage and its correct installation on the stage is entirely up to the participant and his assistants.


    Category for the boldest and most creative exotics. Choose the image of your favorite movie hero and let's blow the stage!The battle will consist of 3 STAGES:● Showcase.All participants will dance to the same song. Each contestant will then present themselves through a 40-second improvisation. In this round, no one will be eliminated. It is designed to introduce the participants to the audience!● Improvisation. Standard battle rules will apply in this stage. Participants will compete in pairs, with each having 40 seconds to showcase their skills and abilities through improvisation to a random track.● Star task ⭐️. Battle finalists will have to improvise while performing creative tasks (e.g., dancing without going to the floor, using only waves, keeping their eyes closed, or any other challenge). Before the festival, we will share a special form where anyone interested can suggest their creative challenge for the battles. We will print and place all the suggestions in a special container, and participants will randomly draw the tasks.❗️ The tasks can be absolutely anything that complies with SHABASH rules. Full spontaneity without boundaries or preconceptions! A participant can choose to opt-out of performing any task, acknowledging their technical defeat! Whatever happens during the battle stays at the battle!
    The battle will be evaluated using a special scoring system from professional judges and audience in the hall. In case of a draw for the first time, participants dance and judges and audience vote again. In case of a draw twice in a row, the decisive word remains with the organizers.As a result of all tours, one winner will be selected!


    On each of the competition days, participants will compete for:1. Judges’ Grand Prix - will receive the participant who will get the highest score from the judges and organizers of the festival! If several participants have the same score, the owner of the grand prix will be determined by the judges collectively among the participants with the same highest scores.2. Viewers’ Grand Prix - will receive the participant who will score the highest score from the festival audience using a special voting system.3. Best Exotic Witch - is the choice of the festival organizers.4. Battle Winner (spectators and judges) - will receive a participant who will win the battle according to the total assessment of judges and spectators.5. Special nominations, the owners of which will be selected collectively by the judges and organizers of the festival:● Best Actor (for the best artistry);● Best Costume (for the brightest character);● Best Show (for the best production);● Best Musicality (the originality of the choice of the track and its processing, that is, the musicality) will be evaluated;● Best Visual Effects (award for the best decorations and/or video effects);● Best Erotic Perfomance (for the most erotic performance); Best Fantasy Perfomance (for the best performance in the genre of science fiction or fantasy);● Best Horror Perfomance (for the best performance in the horror or thriller genre)● Best Drama Perfomance (for the best dramatic performance) ● Best Comedy Performance (for the best comedy performance).6. Nominations from sponsors, judges and exotic stars (to be announced later) - selected personally by the sponsor according to his personal criteria.